If you are of the middle-class fortune, do you always shop at retail stores such as Target, Forever 21, Macy's, and other chain corporations to buy your clothing? I typically do, but have began branching out.
I decided to see if I could visit a thrifty, used item store and discover some good fashion steals. And, I did; I bought designer brands (such as Romy, Worthington for JC Penney, and Le Chateau) for a fraction of the cost! Now, I don't mean to sound like a cheapskate, but you can literally purchase $60 tops with no wear and tear for $3-9 dollars. That is a big-time money saver.
I have been on a massive hunt for barely used, decent fashions throughout the day, and came up with at least nine shirts, fancy high-heels, and four pieces of jewelry.
I cannot explain the feeling knowing you just spent under $60 for several great pieces of clothing, instead of two or three. I suggest checking out your local thrift stores, or even your local R.O.S.S. if you would like a good bargain. Keep your standards with Macy's, Penney's, etc still standing, but let your hair down once in a while and be a money saver!
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