Valentine's Day 2011

Celebrating Valentine's Day has always been something very cliche in my opinion, and never really struck me as something I would enjoy or relish in.

Until I found Mark. Mark is my partner of nearly a year, and this is my first meaningful Valentine's Day with someone I know truly cares about me.

I decided to celebrate with Mark the day before Valentine's, on Sunday, and opened the door to a box of chocolates and roses. While I am a girl that adores being spoiled, I really dislike chocolate!

I always ask myself: "What's the matter with you? All your friends like chocolate...", and try my hardest to choke some down, but it never seems to be enjoyable. Too chewy, too rich, and makes you gain weight fast. I just don't see the point.

I gotta say: it is truly annoying hearing about all these girlfriends dragging their boys to movies on Valentine's Day, acting like it's a mushy-gushy holiday. You know what my boyfriend and I did? Pigged out on pizza in bed. Now that's a man's holiday!

This year I came up with the idea of buying little childhood Valentines and writing small messages to my closest of friends. Of course, I didn't buy the Barbie or Justin Bieber Valentines. They were girly cartoon animals--just enough to get by and get the "cutesy" point across.

Not only Mark gave me a Valentine this year, I had friends and my parents who gave me cards, candies, and even some flameless candle sets for my "meditation corner". I guess what they say is true: give, and you will receive!

Even though I'm not a very Valentine's-Day-girl, and understand a lot of people struggle with the romantic tension of the occasion, I thank the people who showed their love and gave me little gifts. I hope your Valentine's Day was just as warm, and you found something (or someone) to be loving towards.


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