Parents Q & A Part II : A Teenage Response

Yesterday, my mom and dad answered some tough questions to help me understand where they are coming from just a wee bit more. Here are my answers to the questions I was able to...

What tells you when a child is responsible enough to be trusted?
When they hold enough moral structure in their lives and are totally honest to their parents and peers.

What was the most often disagreement or argument topic between your mother and you growing up?
We disagreed on little things here and there, but mainly the typical kid-mom "I want this" - "You can't have that right now" thing.

What was the most often disagreement or argument topic between your father and you growing up?
Same as my mom, but we disagreed a lot on homework, because my dad homeschooled me for 7th and 8th grade. Try having your dad as a teacher--it is homework in itself!

Which was your most important intimate relationship in high school and why did it end?
As far as I can say right now, I have had two that really struck my heart. My first kiss and puppy love throughout my young years up until freshman year, and my first true love in 8th grade, who ended up cheating on me. That was the day I realized I could never settle for less, and growing into my teen years, I needed to find someone who was mature enough to feel real love. 

What kind of things get you the angriest and why?
I'm a generally irritable person, so anything to everything, and sometimes nothing. I strongly dislike it when partners claim they won't do something, but continue the behavior over and over again. I hate when people and partners lie, show false traits or act like something they are not, and when they just seem not to listen. The generation I have grown up within makes me the angriest, due to the lack of morals and maturity.

Who was your best friend in high school and what did they teach you?
I don't like to use the term "best friend" that much, really, but my partner Mark is my closest confidant, while being my boyfriend. We can tell each other everything, and he has taught me that it is O.K. to feel relaxed, calm, and centered within nature and the person you are with--that you don't always need to worry. Three of the other friends I have been fortunate to have kept close are named Ebony, Lene, and Amber. Ebony lives in Australia, and Lene lives in Belgium. Amber is my school buddy. They all never fail to make me laugh, cheer me up on a bad day, and have shared so many ups and downs with me. I wouldn't trade my friends for anything in the world.

Do you want a marriage like your parents?
Absolutely. I am trying my hardest not to give in to an early marriage, or at least not plan on one! I think marrying later in life, late 20s/early 30s, gives you a chance to explore what you really want, instead of being clueless and marrying spur-of-the-moment. However, sincere, mature dating so early might just end up being a successful bet in the long run for myself in particular. My parents model so much of what I hope to become.

Were you ever bullied or teased as a child? If so, for what reasons?
To be honest, I never figured out the reasons. Whether it was my appearance, or my apparent "unpleasant" antics, something made those cold-blooded kids snap. I was bullied left and right, up and down my entire childhood from 1st grade up to 6th, and to this day, some of those kids have not grown up, nor apologized.

What traits do you value the most in a woman/man? What traits don't you like?
Honesty, humor, trust, sentimentality, confidence, love and kindness, good listening skills, etc. I don't like arrogance, ignorance, immaturity, too much innocence, lack of back-bone, and shyer individuals, at least for partners of mine.

What traits do you hope your child finds for their own partner? What traits would you disapprove of?
 The exact same positive traits I listed above. I want them to find someone who is optimistic, as well. Any kind of abuse I would not tolerate, same with dishonesty and distrust.

What is your personal opinion on body art, such as tattoos? Classy or trashy?
I think they are very expressing and lovely, as long as you're not stupid about what design you pick. Pick something that is close to your heart and that you will not regret in the long run, and I call that extremely classy. If I was ever to get a tattoo, I would get a small "S" on my right shoulder in clean, cursive calligraphy.

Who was most strict growing up? Mom or dad?
Neither of my parents are "strict", per se, but both of my parents acted more strictly than each other at different times, in different situations. Because I was not raised in a policed, strict environment, I turned out quite all right!

Did you collect anything when you were younger? What?
Stamps, rocks, and seashells, from what I remember. Today, I just collect photos.

What did you want to be when you were in high school? Where did you come up with these ideas?
Right now, I am looking at some sort of business management/supervising, psychology and philosophy, historian, scientist, writer or journalist, or graphic/video/web designing. I am very in touch with who I am, what my weaknesses and strengths are, and how to use them efficiently. I came up with the ideas after years of discovering my inner callings and which career fields would suit my energy and spirit.


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