Timing is Everything

I always say how my life has been filled with plenty ups and downs, and well, I figured I would brief you on how I got where I am today. Of course this isn't the full story (I could write a novel!), but it's the jist.

  • Birth - 6 weeks: Living with my birth parents in my birth father's mother's house. Birth father runs out on us while mother is in adoption process. I am adopted by two great parents.
  • 6 weeks - 3 years: Never crawled, but ate a lot of yummy foods and spit up. Talked early on, first word was either "Erica" or "broccoli".
  • 3 - 5 years: Enrolled in pre-school 10 minutes from home. Met best friend Shannon, and other nice boys and girls. Was very outdoorsy, active, and loved climbing trees. Had a Barbie birthday cake, and held parties at the gymnastics arena.
  • 5 - 7 years: Enrolled in an alternative, wonderfully inviting elementary school for kindergarten, up to 2nd grade. Closer than ever to Shannon. Was quite spoiled, and loved to buy mini trinkets and Barbie dolls. Had a ever-growing Barbie collection. Bullying began around age 6, same year diagnosed with severe asthma.
  • 7 - 9 years: 3rd and 4th grade. Shannon and I's friendship ended, and I made many more come-and-go friends. Good student, strong writing abilities and loved to read. Still very bubbly; a social butterfly. Cautious of the kids at school, bullying persisted regardless of action we took. Been visiting Sun River Resort in Oregon each summer, spending a lot of time in Oregon with grandma (mom's mom). Met my first love who I was yet to grow up with, and attended my first Stars On Ice show with mom. Lived through beyond 6. earthquake that threw the bricks off the school.
  • 9 - 11 years: 5th grade. Graduated from elementary school, enrolled in alternative program within middle school 15 minutes from home, 5 minutes from my pre-school. Good relationship with my parents, took a trip to Whistler, B.C. this year. Owned my first camera. Obsession with Hilary Duff - first true "idol". Nearly "died" from severe asthma attack. Rode horses briefly.
  • 11 - 12 years: 6th grade. Bullying became 5x more severe, and decided to pursue home-schooling for the rest of my middle school career. Made some best friends, said a cute "I love you" for the first time, and had my first "date".Asthma slowly fades, diagnosed with SAD/GAD.
  • 12 - 14 years: 7th and 8th grade, dad administrates my education with the aid of online curriculum. Experience sitting in on my dad's College sociology course on many occasions, got the feeling that I was yet to "belong" on a College campus. Had a few closer friends and cycled through life slowly the first year. Discovered Ekaterina Gordeeva's figure skating, and found my true idols. Signed up for YouTube, and began to gain viewers. Fell in love for the first time, and started dating. Diagnosed with skin disorder.
  • 14 - 15 years: Freshman year. Attended the alternative online learning program within in-person high school, made amazing bonds with my three teachers. Found inspiration within English teacher's writing, forming my blog with the name "Bridgette's Diary" relating to his award-winning novel. Idaho for summer vacation. Diagnosed with allergic reaction towards dairy products, and experienced a breast cyst.
  • 15 - 16 years: Sophomore year. Enrolled in a alternative high school program with good status. Had a rough patch and made a few relationship/general life mistakes, but learned to forgive myself-- it is the only way we can improve ourselves. Struggled with poor friendships and enjoyed a trip to Vegas to celebrate the end of the school year. For 16th birthday, I re-connected with friend Mark/we began to date, and I received my Nikon.
  • 16 - 17 years: Junior year. Received many College request letters and was invited on many educational seminar trips. Still deciding where and what I will study, but maintaining healthy relationships with those around me. Visiting San Juan Island this summer vacation. On the road to curing skin disorder and made much progress with GAD.


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