Summer 2011 Reflections and Snippets

This summer was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! It flawlessly erased any fear I had about it becoming dull and/or going by too quickly. I decided to make it worth while and create really fun trip ideas for my family and partner Mark, as simple as they may sound to travel-adoring people.

(1) I started the summer off with Mark's high school graduation party. This is a photo of him helping set up balloons and other decorations. His grandmother and I organized the main idea, guest list and details, with tons of family helping us. I bought him a bunch of nice, small gifts, and his friends and family pitched in a lot. He says he enjoyed this day, and I truly hope it becomes a memory for a lifetime!

(2) Another thing Mark adores doing is amateur radio, so, I sucked up my boredom and put on my invisible "Super Girlfriend" disguise, spending 24 hours with him at his Field Day event. Field Day is a 24 hour competition on the same day, all over the world, in which amateur radio-ers, or "HAMs" try to make the most contacts within that period of time. I didn't get the hype, but I spent a good amount of time reading HAM Radio for Dummies. As you can tell from the photo above, we ended up sleeping in the car.

(3) Next, an event I absolutely had to attend and give my volunteer time to--one of the only days you can find me embracing the downtown area. Our local PFLAG chapter tabled at our city's annual pride parade and celebration for LGBTQ education and awareness. I am very passionate about gay rights, especially in our town, which fortunately is one of the most accepting and safe places to be a LGBTQ. Mark joined us and enjoyed the event, snapping away to capture photographic memories of the event.

(4). Portland, Oregon 3-day vacation with Mom and Mark. A lot of great memories were formed on this trip, and a lot of realizations were understood. I came to the conclusion: "I lead a very unconventional life, and yea, most people won't get that!" You would've thought that was an easy realization. Adding on to our trio's second annual trip, we visited OMSI again, saw the authentic Lan Su Chinese Garden and dined in their tea house, ate sweets at VooDoo Doughnuts, explored China Town, doughed out at Powell's Books, saw a flick, did plenty of shopping and subway hopping (see: this blog post).

(5). An event that never fails to please my family: a Mariner's baseball game! In mid-summer, the folks took Mark and I out to the ball game as we indulged in their trademark garlic fries and crackerjacks. Of course, like every year, we picked food up from Panera on our way to the light rail station!

(6). After my grandmother had passed, the family took a trip up to the town she lived in called Lincoln City, in Oregon. Lincoln City is known for its beaches and antique/knick-knack shopping, among other sorts such as gambling and family vacations. All four of us helped move her stuff and enjoyed a nice rental house on the beach.

(7). Celebrating 1.5 years of a family of five (I like to consider Mark welcome in and as our family), we enjoyed a camping trip at Illahee State Park. While visiting that area, I met up with the lovely woman that helped finalize my adoption to my parents, to say hello and catch up after all these years. The trip was a success, and learning how to cook gourmet camp food was even better! (see: this blog post).

(8). Fun for all, pets and their owners, is our annual Labor Day birthday party for dog Tess. We throw a bash that involves a 7 foot tall table of human food and treat bags for the dogs (get the pun?). Tess enjoyed turning the big 1-0 and I loved seeing family friends (see: this blog post).

(9). Friday Harbor, Washington is the main vacation the family went on this summer, which included tons of town exploring, ice cream devouring, sea food crunching and lavender farm hunting. I adore family time on the San Juan Islands. Great vacation spot for nature lovers and honeymooning couples (see: this blog post).

(10). A day trip to Seattle, Washington with Dad and Mark. Mark being able to get to know each of my parents is a big priority for me, so any time we can spend together with them individually is great. This was the day we all got a tour of the KOMO4 News building and got to meet some of their anchors, thanks to Mark's aunt, an employee there. Walking around the city and popping in a market called Piroshky, Piroshky (Russian savories and sweets) was our newer experience in Seattle (see: this blog post)!

Summer 2011 brought me a lot of wisdom and happiness, regardless of the bouts of drama and tifts along the way. I am SO blessed for the wonderful experiences and people I have been given in this lifetime, with a whole lot more to come.


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