A Tiny Update

There's a bit of a change going on over here at UnstoppableKatya, so I figured if I crafted an easy, go-to guide for y'all, things might get a bit easier to navigate (as if it weren't easy already!).

I have a ton of friends, and of course, my parents, asking me: "Is there somewhere I can find all of your accounts and sites in one place?" Well, now there is, and I am planning to keep it that way.

Today, I released three new navigation choices (and updated one) up top on the navigation bar here at UnstoppableKatya.com, that will guide you to my social networking sites and more. I thought it would be handy to list these in bullet-list format.
  • Tumblelog - A sequel to the main blog here at UnstoppableKatya.com, which can be found under the "Tumblelog" link on the navigation bar up top. This website URL is tumblr.unstoppablekatya.com. This is my "casual" Tumblr blog--if I find a image or quote I like, I'll post it there, along with things I don't feel are appropriate for my main zine.
  • Montages - UPDATED! Instead of linking to a page that explains what my montages are, I'm linking to the direct montage site itself, readysetshinevideos.com. This "Montages" link includes timely updates of my montages instead of having to navigate my YouTube channel (some people prefer the channel so they can leave comments and favorite videos, at youtube.com/readysetshine).
  • Vlogs - Remember this post? A few months back, I began creating personal videos of myself, sharing my latest shopping discoveries, favorite books and crafts, and emotional journeys I hadn't discussed here. Clicking on the "Vlogs" link will take you to that channel on YouTube, youtube.com/theunstoppablekatia.
  • Twitter - Yep, I do tweet! Clicking on the "Twitter" link on the navigation bar will send you directly to my Twitter profile at twitter.com/katyadotcom. Don't forget to send me a tweet once you arrive @katyadotcom.
I typically hate smileys in blog posts, but I can't resist--I've reached nearly 15,000 views on UnstoppableKatya in the past 9 months, with the average of 100+ per day. A huuuuge thank you to my viewers! I know that's not a whole ton for such an intricate website, but I consider it an accomplishment for a gal in the Northwest, blogging about her humorous life :-)


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