Haven't You Heard?

With the release of my own personal YouTube vlogging channel, theunstoppablekatia, I am speaking out about my favorite style items, what has been going on in my life "behind the scenes" of UnstoppableKatya and talking about the hobbies and interests that engage me the most.

I have been gaining subscribers and views/likes every now and then, but need your support (my loyal readers, of course!). If you like this idea, please support by sending me a few comments or a message on my channel. I need as much feedback as I can get--I don't want to be doing something that's a waste of my time when you guys possibly prefer a different style of vlogging better.

Which would YOU like to hear more about? Leave me a comment anywhere - email, Facebook page, channel. Style? Shopping? Lifestyle? Opinions? 79 Things in video format? Cooking? Travel? Figure Skating Reviews? Let me know!


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