Christmas 2010 : A Reassuring Gift

This Christmas was a bundle of joy, hilarity, and giving. This being my first independent Christmas, I used my given money to buy my family and friends gifts, and boy was that super fun! I love the spirits involved with shopping for others and being productive.

Pictured above is my family's beautiful tree and our plethora of gifts. I guess splurging on others' gifts this year payed off big time.

The gift out pour I received was intense. I got some PJs, a t-shirt with logo of my favorite pizzeria, snuggie, cute booties, and warm socks. I also got a few ".. for Dummies" books (thanks, mom and dad), a new webcam and phone cover, make-up items, clutch wallets, the Stars On Ice 25th anniversary DVD collection, deluxe photo frame, a root beer sampler, special ring, Starbucks' VIA instant packs, espresso/cappuccino maker with all the trimmings, and Starbucks and Macy's gift cards... not forgetting the navigation system, fog remover, and flat tire spray for the new, clueless driver in me!

This year, my gifts stirred up one thought in my head: my family and friends know me incredibly well! I finally realize: I do not have to worry. They may not be perfect at knowing everything, but for the most part, they know who I am. At my high school graduation, they will know what to pride me on. When I enter College, they will send me off with a year's supply of Starbucks coffee. When I succeed in my career, they will bring me a Martinelli's cider bottle as a congratulatory gift. When I get married, they will know the sentimental value behind the event. When I give birth, they will know to select a medicated procedure. And, when I pass away, they will accurately know what I gave to the world, the truth of my spirit and heart, and most importantly... what to say in my eulogy. Aside from all humor, that reassurance is the best gift of all.


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