Forming an Exercise Routine

Towards the end of July I decided I was sick of heading towards the “overweight” side of the spectrum and that I was going to buckle down and Get. Me. Some. Exercise! Starting off with some brisk bike rides down the trails with my dad and workouts on the treadmill/rowing machines at the Gym, I finally gave in to forming a daily exercise routine using the WiiFit. Luckily, I get school credit for this.

Every day I do 30 minutes of rigorous strength training and yoga. After clocking my time, I continue with anywhere from 30 to 60 sit-ups before I go off to shower. I would recommend WiiFit and easy around-the-house workouts (cleaning is a great exercise!).

Over time, our bone health deteriorates and it is important we strengthen and train our bodies to adapt to the ongoing changes occurring in our bodies every second of every day. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and other life threatening conditions–of course, who wouldn’t assume this?

Do not forget to eat spicy foods before you step on that treadmill; eating spicy foods before exercise helps you begin to increase your metabolism by as much as 50%! Oh, and: don’t consume food after 9PM, all of which is stored as fat. That’s right… Wii talks.


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