I started by buying a simple photo album, which I lucked out with at Jo-Ann's Fabrics due to their cheap sale prices that day. I vowed not to spend more than $15.
Then, I went to RiteAid and printed out about 20 photos that we had taken over the months (which reminds me that I need to add the next 9 months!) and arranged sets in my mind that were to go into the album.
After I had the sets formed, I turned over the photos one-by-one, and with a permanent pen, I wrote down little sentiments that remind me of Mark, including letters, inside jokes, or words, and the little things he does that make me feel adored/why I chose him for my partner in crime!
Then, I layed in the photos, and let him do the exploring. To this day, Mark adores the photo album, and it will be cherished for years to come. I have been taking part in scrapbooking summer camps since I was 11 years old, and have found a quiet passion within keeping memories alive ever since. I encourage you all to make a photo album for someone you love, or about something you love. You won't regret it.
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