Community Non-Profit : My Heart Beats for Love

For the last 8 months, my life has been touched by something quite bigger than myself. Something inspiring, and something much beyond ordinary.

This special thing is called PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). PFLAG helps me and many others come together and fight for the rights they believe in. In my case, equality for LGBTQ.

Volunteering for a nonprofit organization enlightens my soul and gives me time to think about what I can do as a single human entity on this planet.

I help PFLAG host open meetings with films, discussion, and yummy food, and am a part of the national board for my city's chapter that makes the important decisions regarding events, money keeping and accessories for sale. I get to hold conversation with questioning youth and adults, and educate the families and friends. I am proud of us as a group and organization. The fact that one person can extend a hand and make everything a little bit easier is a wonderful thought.

I suggest that you all reach into yourself and figure out what makes you truly happy and content within helping your community. We all owe it to our communities.

Above is a photo of myself and partner Mark, tabling for PFLAG at our city's Pride weekend.


This post is part of the category "79 Things". Click to see the complete series of 79 Things.


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