Vs. : A Realization of Life and its Quirks, Part I

Happy to be branching out in guided journals again, I picked up one of the KnockKnock group's humorous books: Vs.

Vs. is a journal based around your personal preferences, tapping in to your personality type and lifestyle choices. It simply prompts you to choose between two things, and explain your answers. Some practical, some witty and senseless.

I figured I would do a mini-series to help my readers develop an awareness of my personality type and what choices I choose for my ever-changing life. Each entry will include 30 of the 221 prompts, along with my explanation of each. So, here are the first 30!

1). Nerds vs. Jocks : Nerds. Nerds have more classiness and soft spots for people and their partners. Jocks are less intelligent and cocky, by social standard. I prefer nerds with smarts and humor, those that will take good care of me. Jocks seem less genuine and honest.

2). Reason vs. Emotion : Reason. Reasoning can come and go while emotions stay put. Reasoning can get very over-reasoned while emotions will always be there. However, emotions can have big impacting factors and are not always valid points of judgment when irrational. Reasoning will get you out of emotional heart ache a good percent of the time, even though feelings can help with instincts.

3). Mozart vs. Bach : Omit question; have not studied up enough on these subjects.

4). Drawing vs. Painting : Drawing. Drawing is an easy skill that can be picked up by anyone. Painting is irreversible and un-changable, in other words: permanent mistakes.

5). Blogger vs. Commenter : Blogger. I disable comments on my blog because I get personal feedback and don't need arguments, nor spam. Commenters have little life--they share insights, but not big ideas or full opinions such as the blogger. The blogger expresses and doesn't hold back - the commenter has restriction in length and explicitness.

6). Crab vs. Gerbil : Crab. Gerbils are weird lookin'. Crabs are beautiful, bright and tasty! ;-) Crabs are very agile and can keep themselves alive. Gerbils are good as pets, but are not very intelligent, in my book.

7). Smart vs. Sexy : Smart. Sexy can be smart! The unintelligent "sexy" is trashy. Smart is far more attractive, so if you cannot be sexy and smart, I'd rather be smart than sexy!

8). Summer vs. Winter : Winter. Winter is cozy and helps families come together. Summer is too hot, while winter is comfy. Winter has hot chocolate, snow and gifts, but summer has a break from studies. Summer is physically exhausting and winter is settling/rejuvenating.

9). Electric Boogaloo vs. The Macarena : Omit question; don't know enough about electric boogaloo.

10). Black & White vs. Color : Color. Both are nice effects for photography, but color brings out so much more life that black & white dilutes. Besides, I don't want to sound racist!

11). Mayonnaise vs. Mustard: Mustard. It is more flavorful and interesting than plain mayo. I'm a spice-it-up kind of gal.

12). Chess vs. Checkers : Chess. Checkers is boring and ugly. No point and not a lot of "Checkers World Championships". Chess is constantly challenging and interesting. Game is also nicer to look at vs checkers.

13). Expectations vs. Reality : Reality. Reality gets you everywhere - the truth is exposed so you may choose to live in the light or the dark - wishing for the things that may never come, or knowing what is real. I would rather know what is realistic to hope for and what is not, instead of pretending to myself.

14). Beer vs. Wine : Wine. I consider myself classy, small-portioned (or petite) and definitely NOT trashy!

15). Shock vs. Awe : Awe. I'd rather be amazed by something believable than have disbelief in something ridiculous. Awe is pleasant realization about something grand - shock is breath-taking unpleasantry, a good portion of the time.

16). MAC vs. PC : PC. PC is #1, in ranking and development. MACs are rip-offs due to their product line restriction--if you buy a PC, you can still use your iPod, but if you buy a MAC, you can't use a plethora of PC programs, let alone some MP3 players. MACs are built sleeker and stylish, so that is a plus for Apple junkies.

17). Quality vs. Quantity : Quantity. I unfortunately always go for my food, electronic gadgets and all other items including journals like these!) in quantity. It is such a bad habit to break, but maybe someday I will go for the "practicality" of items, as my mother always reminds me.

18). Girl Scout vs. Badger : Badger. Anything other than Girl Scouts, please! "Badgers" seem cool and tough. Girl Scouts are annoying, stereotypical Christian believers. Ignorant and innocent = not a good match for me!

19). New York vs. Los Angeles : New York. N.Y. is the social capital of everywhere! L.A. is filled with superficial gals and guys, jocks and way too much sun! The Big Apple is filled with pride, people, shopping, and if I haven't mentioned it already... legalized gay marriage. 8-) California just has Prop 8. Too bad!

20). Journey vs. Destination : Journey. My very own created motto is: "It's the journey that truly matters, not the destination." Once you reach your final destination, what else is there? The journey is what teaches you lessons and the sentiments you take along the way. If you pick destination, you might as well stop living. Life is constantly moving.

21). Sexy French Maid vs. Sexy Nurse : Sexy French Maid. Depends what mood I'm in, actually. Sexy french maid seems a bit innocent and classically sexy, while sexy nurse seems too trashy and class-less. Also, not too fond of the nurse's cap.

22). Dog vs. Cat : Dog. Yes, most cats are cuter and fluffier, but dogs can respond and understand their owners. Dogs are loyal and friendly companions that communicate with you, while cats sit on their lazy butts, purring, or scratching your eyes out. Dogs make bigger messes, but wouldn't get stuck in your backyard's tree.

23). Sleep vs. Party : Sleep. With all I do, I deserve rest! I know they say, "sleep is for the weak", but really, who parties? Losers!

24). Window vs. Aisle : Window. On a plane, for example, I like to have control. If I can't grab on to the side and see what's happening, I will freak.

25). Bungalow vs. High-Rise : Bungalow. Bungalows are quaint and cute. They can be mondernized and warmingly welcoming. High-rises have many people, floors, hazards, and elevators. I don't like the heart of the city - I want to live peacefully in a real neighborhood.

26). Minivan vs. SUV vs. Motorcycle : Minivan. Minivans are stylish and yes, I said it: practical! Big, but not bulky. Can you say, soccer mom? SUVs are chunky, gas-guzzlers. Gross-looking and stereotypically dirty. Motorcycles are for cocky men (and women) that think they are all that! Too smelly and loud.

27). Glove vs. Mitten : Mitten. Unless we're talking about Michael Jackson's shiny, silver glove, I'm gonna have to go with mitten. Why? Mittens remind me of good old winter!

28). Comedy vs. Drama : Comedy. Comedy fixes everything with a good laugh. Drama gives you that rush for a bit, until you're sad and need cheering up. Laughter is the best medicine... always.

29). Barbeque vs. High Tea : High Tea. My eating mannerisms fit BBQs, but soul and personality fit that of a high tea. The food is better at teas--more exquisite than meat slapped on bread. Conversation at teas is also more mature and advanced socialization.

30). Busy vs. Bored : Busy. I always adore a packed schedule and try to go out / keep myself moving when boredom nears. Good to let yourself relax with a magazine or book every now and then, but keeping active and social is best for my personality.

Remember this: none of my answers are intended to offend. Vs. encourages quick judgment and stereotyping to answer questions without spending a dragged out amount of time contemplating whether an orange is better than an apple!


This is part of the Mini-Series "A Realization of Life and its Quirks"
Read the rest here ....


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