Dreams and Their Meaning

I remember back when I was blogging on Bridgette’s Diary, I included a mini-series about my dreams (I’ve always been quite good at predicting the meaning of dreams, and remembering them at that) that would dive into the what, why, and hows within my subconscious.

This morning, I remembered 2 dreams that don’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
1. I am driving, and I can’t control the car. I swerve in and out of lanes, twirl around and stop abruptly. Pretty soon, a cop car pulls me over, but not from behind me. In front of me. This is when the dream changes out of no where, or at least when I stop remembering details.

2. Once I make it to the library to meet my friends, I start recognizing everyone that works there. My good male friend is the librarian. Other friends are helpers. Our group sits around and talks. This group consists of the people I dislike, and the people I get along with at high school. We start talking about my blog, and they ask me questions. Suddenly Mark shows up and tells me that he needs to register for some sort of test or paper that he needed to submit to the library. We go over to the desk and he asks for the current sheet, dated 2010. They say they only have 2008 and there is no updated form. Then I see some papers to the right, and sneakily browse through. I see my name written on a paper (not in my hand writing) that dates 2010. This is the paper Mark needed.

What do I think these dreams mean?

Just like the infamous falling dream, the first dream could possibly be a sign that my life is spiralling out of control and I feel stressed/overwhelmed, which at this moment, I do not. It’s a stretch, but the fact the cop came from the front could signify a random, abnormal or new situation, which I have trouble accepting in real life. The cop is always supposed to come from behind, right? If situations in life don’t go the way I plan or think they will pan out by expecting things, I get anxious.

The second dream puts up one big red flag for me: over-confidence. First, everyone is asking about what I do. Second, I get an advantage over my partner. Maybe I view Mark as if he doesn’t need help getting things in and out of life, but I could also view myself as more high maintenance. Or, this could just be representing a more popular theory: I enjoy high school more than he did, and I spend too much time on studying instead of on him, therefore would have an advantage when it comes to administered tests.

Who knows. I’d rather not keep my mind boggled for the rest of the day contemplating this, but I thought I’d get those ideas out in the open. How good do you think you are at predicting your own dreams? What do YOUR dreams mean?


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