1. Pancakes vs. Waffles: Pancakes. I enjoy the texture of pancakes much more than waffles. Waffles seem so chunky and harder to coat with butter and syrup. I do enjoy the waffle’s holes in order to hold fruit, such as blueberries, but the pancakes are so light and fluffy.
2. Glockenspiel vs. Didgeridoo: Glockenspiel. When I hear didgeridoo I think of kangaroos. I put images with things that rhyme. Glockenspiel is so funny sounding, I could imagine me saying it when something ridiculous happened. “What glockenspiel!” Don’t get me wrong, I know these are musical instruments…
3. Firstborn vs. The Baby: Firstborn. I am the first born and the only born in my family, but in my biological family, the firstborn. I like the admiration that comes with being the firstborn and the spoiled one. However, without being an only born, the attention may fade away.
4. Blonde vs. Numbers: Blonde. I honestly don’t know what the difference or relation is between these two, and the only connection I could make up is the “blonde” jokes about blonde-haired girls being dumb, therefore, numbers is the smart side of the two. Either way, I am not a mathematical person and definitely do not enjoy numbers. Call me blonde!
5. Downtown vs. Uptown: Uptown. I do enjoy high-scale, fine dining and shopping, but I don’t think I could afford visiting “uptown” all the time. Downtown is a bit too dirty and exhausting in comparison to uptown, but I don’t think I’ve ever really visited an “uptown”.
6. Jean-Luc Godard vs. Steven Spielberg: Omit question - don’t know enough about the first.
7. Christmas Eve vs. Christmas: Christmas. Christmas Eve is SO annoying! I sit there every year, regardless of my age, thinking: “Wow. When am I gonna open presents? 6? No, too early. 7? Maybe, but the parents might not be up. 8? Too late. I want my presents now!”
8. Kitten vs. Goth: Kitten. Goth is just insane. What do people get out of displaying a goth style? Maybe I’ll never know, but it’s whatever works for them! The stereotype of the goth girl holding the small, scared-looking kitty cat is terrible. I want to save the poor kitty!
9. Cake vs. Honor: Cake. I don’t mind if people see me eat messily and fatty. I enjoy what I eat and am not going to count calories if I am enjoying it immensely. Again, I still can’t seem to figure out what cake and honor have to do with each other, but cake is always the best.
10. Ride (in a “pimp“‘s ride) vs. Die: Ride. I know how to blend in with a group or stereotype very easily. All you have to do is realize what language and emotional communication the group favors and you can fit in quite fine. This is how I can handle the everyday teenager!
11. Angel vs. Devil: Angel. Angels have helped me get through so much in my life and guide me everywhere I go. Not those Biblical angels, those people that meant a ton to my life before they passed away, or those assigned to watch over me contently. Devils get you into trouble and bring out the very worst in everyone.
12. Nasa vs. Space: Nasa. I enjoy technology and I enjoy technological advancements. Space will always be, NASA is there as a secondary achievement to increase our knowledge about space. Space, to me, is not that impressive, because it just is.
13. Serif vs. Sans Serif: Sans Serif. I like the curly, simple and sweet fonts that look like hand writing or gentle strokes. Times New Roman is a bit too bulky and rough for me.
14. Pipe vs. Joint: Joint. Of course I’m not going to back out of this question just because I do not participate in drugs! If I was to smoke, I would like something that resembled a cigarette, because yes, I admit: I think, like most media-educated humans, that smoking cigarettes is attractive! There is nothing like a woman sucking in and puffing out silky smoke (or getting serious lung disease…).
15. Fight vs. Flight: Fight. In life-terms, that is, not in a dangerous situation. I always picked flight growing up with GAD and things that held my strength back from being all it could be. I fight to the death, discovering things about myself and what I want, never letting anyone tell me I cannot have it.
16. Middle-Aged Man vs. Nosehair: Either; Nosehair. Again, don’t these two things go together? Most middle-aged or any-aged men have nosehair! Most women have nosehair! Massive nosehair, however, I would probably buy my partner a razor.
17. Domination vs. Submission: Domination. In life, I like to be a blunt, always-on, passionate person. I won’t discuss my sex life or preferences on a public website, but I think we are all a bit of a twist of the two in the bedroom.
18. Straight vs. Curly: Curly. I never thought I would see/hear myself say that. When I was younger, I absolutely hated my wavy, curly hair. I wanted to take a flat iron and straighten my hairs out of my head! After so many compliments on my naturally flowing hair, I realized that not many people are blessed with the curls I do have, and have to spend hours styling their naturally straight hair. For me, it is not that hard to straighten, but for some it is nearly impossible to wave and achieve a natural look.
19. Bono vs. Apathy: Omit question - are these musicians? Rappers? Or are you talking about something to do with Cher?
20. Captain Ahab vs. Moby Dick: Omit question - again, what? I haven’t heard of these legends that much. I’m modern youth, you could say.
21. Hipster vs. Prep: Prep. Hipsters are a little too “original” for me, and their stereotypical morale isn’t that impressive. I like both clothing styles, but I enjoy the stylish clothes of preps, mainly speaking of females.
22. Botox vs. Smile: Smile. I don’t believe in inauthentic ways of looking beautiful, nor surgery to make yourself sexy. I would never inject dangerous drugs into my cheeks so I could look like a Barbie doll. I would rather smile and enjoy my laugh lines that show my wisdom and age.
23. Friends with benefits vs. Actual friends: Actual friends. I have never been that much of a fan of the “friends with benefits” situation and enjoy my close friends a ton. I would rather keep my friendships than ruin them with lust.
24. Self-made vs. Trust fund: Self-made. I may be a bit superficial, but for the most part, I like to think I’m down-to-earth. Working for a living and earning the money yourself is much more rewarding than inheriting every dime from daddy or mommy, such as Paris Hilton did. An extra dime doesn’t hurt, but not every dime.
25. Coin vs. Stamp: Stamp. I try to avoid coins at all cost. They seem grimy, dirty and pointless. Why can’t we price everything in dollars? Stamps are easy for mailing and can be easily stored, unlike a bunch of coin collection bags.
26. Swimming pool vs. Hot tub: Hot tub. So relaxing and romantic, if spent with the right person. I probably would not enjoy a hotel’s chilly pool unless I knew there was a steamy hot tub awaiting my cold tosies.
27. Irony vs. Sincerity: Sincerity. While I do enjoy a good ironic joke or witty remark, honesty is greater and more importantly valued in my life and those around me.
28. Napolean vs. Genghis Khan: Omit question.
29. Frank Lloyd Wright vs. Frank Gehry: Frank Lloyd Wright. I studied and discovered Mr. Wright through a school project and enjoy his architecture a ton. So modern, hip and beautiful. I haven’t heard of Frank Gehry that much.
30. Texas vs. The World: The World. Texas is beautiful, but the people there stereotypically have a couple screws loose. I would enjoy going anywhere in the world for vacation, but Texas. The first boy I ever loved was from Texas, so that may have been the only reason for a visit a couple years back that still remains today.
Remember this: none of my answers are intended to offend. Vs. encourages quick judgment and stereotyping to answer questions without spending a dragged out amount of time contemplating whether an orange is better than an apple!
This is part of the mini-series “A Realization of Life and its Quirks”. Read the rest here…
Monday, July 11, 2011
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