1). Hero vs. Antihero: Hero. Anti-heroes are so annoying. Who would want to be someone who was lacking heroic qualities? Typically, anti-heroes lack the qualities that make heroes what they are, such as bravery and strength.
2). Flying vs. Invisibility vs. Telekinesis: Telekinesis. I don’t share any passion to fly or have those abilities. Invisibility would be a cool talent to have, then you could hear what people thought of you when you weren’t in the room and you could freak people out by lifting objects. As for telekinesis: I’m a big fan of traveling, so I have to say this is my first pick.
3). Guitar vs. Piano: Guitar. Piano is so hard, but you can self-teach easily with guitar and a few lessons. The idea of being able to pick up an instrument and instantly being able to create your own songs to go along with the melody is great.
4). Surrealism vs. Impressionism: Impressionism. It is so pretty and flowy. I’m not much for 3D-lookin’ art or wild and crazy colors that make popping images. I am interested in the smooth, complimentary colors that form a masterpiece of swirls and twists.
5). Rad vs. Cool: Cool. “Rad” is weird sounding. My generation is so used to the “cool”s and the “chill”s.
6). Kramer vs. Kramer: KRAMER, DUH! We all love Kramer. How can you resist him?
7). 50s vs. 60s: 60s. Neither, really. I suppose the 60s. It’s closer to when The Beatles landed.
8). Diet vs. Exercise: Exercise. Diet is so troublesome - I love eating. I enjoy exercise even though I don’t really lose weight with exercise alone, it’s fine.
9). Cops vs. Robbers: Cops. Cops rule, robbers are little troublemakers!
10). Paycheck vs. Creative Fulfillment: Paycheck. I’m looking for more soul-fulfillment, not exactly “creative”. I already have numerous creative outlets and pick up hobbies for creativity and joy. My career should be all-around fulfilling.
11). Rollerblade Lifestyle vs. Chest Hair Lifestyle: Chest Hair. I’d rather deal with tons of hair on my partner, or even myself, than have to rollerblade everywhere for the rest of my life. Talk about a short life!
12). Bela Lugosi vs. Vincent Price: Bela Lugosi. I hate horror films, but you have to pick the most handsome and realistically fit for his part.
13). Plato vs. Socrates: Socrates. The reason I say this is because I hold very similar viewpoints to Socrates himself, and love his prophecies/wisdom.
14). Holden Caulfield vs. Angst: Holden Caulfield. I have a bone to pick with the authors on this question, because “angst” and “child-like” qualities have truly nothing to do with each other. You can be “wise beyond your years” and not angsty against “child-like” qualities, or in other words: it makes no sense. I, myself, never gave in to the typical teenage angst, nor did I feel like staying a child and innocent all my life was appropriate. I’d rather be wise than a fool on either side.
15). Opera vs. Theater: Theater. I adore plays and script readings, not so much opera—it hurts my ears. Theater is so much more engaging and enlightening. You come away with something new every time you go.
16). Spring vs. Fall: Fall. Spring is just a mockery of summer. Fall has gorgeous leaves and trees in full orange-y bloom, and good, spiced cider/pumpkin frappuccinos.
17) Nature vs. Nurture: Nature. To go into this topic the way I view it, realism vs. idealism, I have to *naturally* pick realism. I cannot stand it when parents or authority try to nurture a child while sheltering it from the harsh realities of life. I know quite a few young individuals who were very harmed emotionally by the idealism of their parents.
18). Golf vs. Nascar: Golf. I’ll enjoy a car race, hands down, but I’m not the type of person to be racing in one. It is dangerous, and in personal opinion, quite pointless. I do like thrilling experiences, but not one as scary as racing. I’d rather enjoy a spring day, sipping tea, going to play a round of golf.
19). Valium vs. Vicodin vs. Viagra: Viagra. All different drugs used for different situations. I am for them all, as long as they are not abused and screwed around with. Although you can probably guess which I favor the most from the big picture.
20). Arm vs. Leg: Arm. Legs keep you walking, running, jogging and dancing, but I’m a pretty immobile person in that sense. My arms (and hands, for that matter) keep me typing, texting, entering, moving, doing, and enjoying life the most.
21). Boy vs. Girl: Girl. The only reason I’m saying female is because I am a female. Definitely not a full-blown feminist, but I fully disagree with a bunch of stereotypes males stand for—cheating, lying, being an all-around jerk that doesn’t respect females’ feelings. This changes with age and time, but I still don’t have the most flattering interpretation of men. Girls are crazy, I’ll admit, but guys are just ridiculous!
22). Coffee vs. Tea: Coffee. I can’t get the joy out of tea that some people can. It is lacking so much taste, in my opinion. I would adore a bustling, wild sense of peppermint in my mouth, warming my body from head to toe - I’m a strong drink type person.
23). Gold vs. Silver: Silver. Why did the figure skating fan say silver? I enjoy admiring silver more and pick out far more silver jewelry pieces to sport around. I suppose if I were a golden athlete, I would appreciate the color more, but for my personal visual taste, I’ll go with the lighter/cleaner of the two.
24). Julia Child vs. Rick Steves: Julia Child. No one beats Julia Child. Perhaps Rick Steves is a great tour guide and travel expert, but Julia Child’s theory on butter is adored in households world-wide (and especially adored by me!).
25). Graffiti vs. Gallery: Gallery. Graffiti is a special thing, when used properly. It takes an idiot to ruin a village, and one often does. If it is a warming expression of graffiti, great. If it’s a couple troublemakers trying to get a reaction, trash. I enjoy art galleries where I can learn something. I use different types of art to feel it in my soul.
26). Mullet vs. Rattail: Rattail. Mullets are pretty gnarly - I’m not a fan. Rattails are cute, for those who can pull it off. Say, Billy Ray?
27). Objective vs. Subjective: Subjective. I live my life subjectively, for the most part. I am objective when I write essays, at times, and in my personal life when I feel my soul learning something new. Subjectivity gets you through with confidence.
28). Mime vs. Juggle: Juggle. Mimes are not a state of attraction for myself personally, I don’t think they have much to offer, unless they are a still statue that entertains people with slow, sudden movements. A mime is a little creepy. Jugglers prepare years to surprise people with fire-breathing, tossing talents.
29). Lead vs. Follow: Lead. You all know me well enough. I am certainly not the type to follow—norms or people. I invent, create, lead, teach, and preach.
30). Human vs. Robot: Human. Robots are characterized by what us humans want. I’d rather be a human than be a robot. Refer to #29.
Remember this: none of my answers are intended to offend. Vs. encourages quick judgment and stereotyping to answer questions without spending a dragged out amount of time contemplating whether an orange is better than an apple!
This is part of the mini-series “A Realization of Life and its Quirks”. Read the rest here…
Friday, July 15, 2011
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