Vs. : A Realization of Life and its Quirks, Part VIII

1). Talk vs. Listen: Talk. There is a big difference, for me, between listening appropriately and being shy. The reason I say talk is because I’d rather speak my opinions and live loudly/proudly than sit on the sidelines.

2). Customer vs. Service: Customer. The customer’s always right, am I right!? The service is usually a downgrade of terrible, in my experiences. At least with operators over the phone, which is usually what this saying is used in reference to.

3). Bed vs. Kitchen Table: Bed. Call me prudeish, but I like natural and normal.

4). Manic vs. Depression: Manic. No matter what, what-ever, I would despise my life if I was depressed. I don’t see myself becoming one of those people that is prone to depression, but it’d be a hard life if I somehow was.

5). Yankees vs. Red Sox: Red Sox. Red Sox have so much more rich and interesting history and stories about their team. Yes, the Yankees are awesome, but I’ll stick to a legendary team.

6). Metal vs. Swedish Death Metal: Metal. Neither if I could omit both, but death metal is like a bullet to the brain.

7). Yoga vs. Jazzercise: Yoga. I’ve never actually tried jazzercise, but I am guessing it is a jazzy, lighter version of aerobics. In that case, I’d say jazzercise, because I like to be up and moving constantly, but I do love a good yoga session every once in a while.

8). Your High School Gym Teacher vs. A Banshee: High School Gym Teacher. Considering I don’t have one, I guess I got lucky at this question.

9). Honesty vs. Flattery: Honesty. If I look fat in my new dress, I want you to tell me that before I go out looking chub. Honesty is the best policy, even when it hurts. Always.

10). Accountant vs. Lumberjack vs. Librarian: Accountant. I’d never want to be a lumberjack and always associate that job with males. Librarians are sweet, but it’s a bit of a boring job for someone like me that loves to be engaged 24/7. Accountants get to use computers and type a whole bunch, while keeping track of a million things. I like to multi-task.

11). Dysfunctional Family vs. The Good China: The Good China. There are certain Chinese morales within family functions that really inspire me. While I highly disagree that all youngins must respect their elders, because some elders are just foolish, I do appreciate the respect they hold for their parents and the organization the family has within the dynamics. I’ve had my fair share of rub-off from dysfunctional families.

12). Nirvana vs. Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam. Haven’t heard much from either, but if I had to choose, I’d most certainly pick the one with the cooler name, the richest history, without Kurt Cobain! Attention hogs that go too far really piss me off.

13). Ultimate Frisbee vs. Pride: Pride. Funny this is a question, considering my 4th and 5th grade class would always play this game with the teacher and I’d always sit and watch. To me, it was a bunch of immature boys rough housing. I couldn’t wait to leave.

14). Kirk vs. Picard: Omit question—I don’t like Star Trek, let alone Star Wars, or any other idiotic show/movie that kids buy into that advertises all the wrong morale. Can you say, Hannah Montana, Harry Potter and Twilight?

15). Cocker Spaniel vs. Cocker Spaniel: Cocker Spaniel!! Again, who doesn’t find a cocker spaniel adorable?

16). Deodorant vs. Crystal: Deodorant. No idea how these two relate, but I’d prefer not to be smelly.

17). The New York Times vs. The Wall Street Journal: The New York Times. I find it more interesting and informing, but the difference is light.

18). Donkey vs. Platypus: Donkey. They’re both ugly lookin’ animals, but both as lovable. Donkeys look huggable, but platypus’ have big noses.

19). Snow White vs. Cinderella: Cinderella. Neither of these are legitamet stories, and come from very disturbing original stories that Disney twisted into positive messages for little girls. In the original tale, Sleeping Beauty was raped. I approve of netiher, but Cinderella is pretty pretty!

20). New vs. Vintage: New. I’m not a vintage collector, but I do occasionally like some decor from the ages. Modern is my thing.

21). Zeppelin vs. Hot Air Balloon: Hot Air Balloon. Nothing beats it.

22). Disco vs. Punk: Punk. If the punk music is the pop/rock type I am thinking of, such as Green Day and such, I pick punk. I have never been a fan of disco.

23). Youth vs. Wisdom: Wisdom. That’s my message, isn’t it? Wisdom will get you much further than your weak immaturities. We all have them, but we all have the faith that will get us through our hard spots in life, as well.

24). Hare vs. Tortoise: Hare. I just wanna hug all the hares and rabbits out there. Tortoises may have hearts, but turtles and their relating species are quite boring.

25). Mustache vs. Beard vs. Chops: Mustache. I’m certainly NOT a fan of facial hair on either sex, so I’m likely to pick the one with the least amount, if I had to.

26). Lean vs. Buff: Lean. I’m not the type of girl who wants a man with a six-pack. I want him to eat well, exercise and love himself for who he is—skinny or big.

27). Shaken vs. Stirred: Stirred. I adore yummy frappuccino-type drinks, which are stirred and blended instead of just shaken coffee.

28). Married vs. Single: Married. I do aspire it someday, whenever I decide the time is right. I would not want to die alone without having the experience of a healthy marriage.

29). Harvard vs. Yale: Harvard. I haven’t studied enough about these two law schools to choose which one is better, but I’ve heard more good things about Harvard than Yale. I’m not interested in being a lawyer or going to a 4.0GPA school.

30). Mermaid vs. Elf: Mermaid. Elves look weird and can scare me (I’m weird, I get it). Mermaids are also untrue myths, yes, but they’re gorgeous and fun to attempt to believe in.

31). Denial vs. Acceptance: Acceptance. I never live in denial, or at least try not to. I am ready to move on from bad things in the past and enjoy life happily.

32). Hardcover vs. Paperback: Hardcover. While it is a portion more expensive, I like the feeling of a hardcover in my hands.

33). Unicorn vs. Wolf: Wolf. Wolves are cute and friendly, unless you upset them. Unicorns don’t exist, so why would I pick them? I guess if they did, maybe I’d say unicorn, but I never found a love for the myth as a child.

34). Airport Security vs. Meter Maid: Airport Security. Love ‘em.

35). Cornflower Blue vs. Burnt Sienna: Burnt Sienna. I like dark tones that resemble red and orange. Cornflower blue is too deep of a blue for my taste. My favorite colors are cadmium orange and seafoam green/blue, so go figure.

36). Pigeon vs. Squirrel: Squirrel. Squirrels are fast and excited all the time—similar to my bubbly personality. Besides, I just can’t stand the squacks of a pigeon.

37). Zombie vs. Cyborg: Cyborg. Anything other than zombies, they are way too annoying and cliche.

38). Past vs. Present: Past. I know it’s a terrible idea to have that past is better than the present, but I think we all fixate on what we had that one time, etc. I use the past to better my present.

39). Shout vs. Cry: Cry. Shouting usually involves hurting someone emotionally, and I’m not hurting someone if I cry alone.

40). Hot Dog vs. Clam: Clam. I’d prefer seafood any day over meat.

41). Morning vs. Night: Morning. I used to be a HUGE night owl, but once I got into a steady sleep schedule, I loved waking up. Going to sleep is boring.

Remember this: none of my answers are intended to offend. Vs. encourages quick judgment and stereotyping to answer questions without spending a dragged out amount of time contemplating whether an orange is better than an apple!

This is part of the mini-series “A Realization of Life and its Quirks”. Read the rest here…


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